Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wood or Concrete... You Decide?

This past week we had the opportunity to travel back to MT to continue the momentum going into our planned spring 2008 build. The trip was highlighted by taking a tour of the area to view several Cultured Log System homes ( , contact Rick Shaw 877-257-5647). What is truly remarkable about the CLS homes is they are made of concrete moldings that resemble actual wood construction, but don’t have many of the headaches associated with log construction. Yes, the pictures you are looking at are pre-cast concrete molding, erected on site, then painted & sealed to the owners’ specifications.

Living in a log home for the past 6 years, it was our desire to build a new home that came without the maintenance dollars associated with log homes. CLS offers such an alternative. CLS’s product is variable, in that you can purchase hand-hewn logs, round logs, square log, board and batten style siding, as well as columns, trusses, and other design aspects, not too mention a world of standard and customer colors in both wood and chinking options.

The 8” think concrete wall separated by Styrofoam insulation has an R value of R-19. When framing along the inside wall with 2x4 dimensional lumber and inserting select insulation, you can obtain an R value exceeding R-50!!! The ultimate energy efficient envelop, coupled with zero maintenance (that is right, the logs are guaranteed for 30+ years), translates into immediate energy and maintenance savings.

CLS is also working with additives to their current concrete mixture such as fly ash, a waste product of the coal industry. Not only is the product ultra energy efficient meaning less fossil fuels needed to heat/cool the home, but the product utilizes an element of recycling which prevents unnecessary waste going into our landfills.

CLS has built over 30+ homes in and around the USA. From small cabins to large residences and commercial structures, their product offers a realistic alternative to traditional log / timber-frame structures. Our next step is to merge our design ideas through Briggs Architecture & Design (still in the works) with Cultured Log System’s team to produce the package for install next spring. As always, I will keep everyone abreast of the developments.

Good Health and an Abundant Tomorrow to All!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tim - thanks for your email and the MAPS cudos. The program has far exceeded our expectations and continues to do great things for MT kids. We're now in Missoula, Bozeman, Kalispell, Wolf Point and Red Lodge...whoda thunk?